EmployeeTDS Module

Employee TDS ( Tax Deducted at Source )Module

This module would allow a user to manage Employee Income Deduction.

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How to manage Employee Income Deduction?

This module gives you flexibility In addition, by using this App for small businesses or large businesses you can easily manage the Employee Income Deduction.

This module is also available on Odoo Apps Store. Click Here to download the module from Odoo Apps Store.

There are the following benefits of gts_income_deduction software for small businesses:

· This module allows the user to Create Custom Tax % Slab Category

· This module allows users to Create Custom Tax Deduction Description Fields

· This module allows users to Calculate the Gross Amount, Total Deductions, Taxable Amounts, and Tax Payable.

· This module allows the user to convert the annually Taxable amount into a monthly taxable amount.

1. Easily understandable: The employee may easily go through the software. They can easily use the software in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities, they did not require any special training regarding software.

2. Customization: Each software needs updating after some time, the customization of the software is easy in the terms of cost and maintenance.

3. Decision-making: Enhance the decision-making process within the organization. The organization makes quick decisions on the data provided by them and it will help in saving time.

4. Data-Transparency: When we export or re-enter the data of our organization the possibility of errors will be high. The software will help the organization to reduce the number of errors.

5. Scalable: The size of an organization does not matter. The software will be applicable for any kind of organization, the organization may customize the number of users according to their requirements.

6. Supportive: The users of the software are globally supported by the odoo forum via mailing system.




  • How to use it:- 


* Go to Employees Menu --> Go to Contracts sub-menu.

  • Click on Create button to create a new Contract for the Employee.

  • Or select any of the existing contracts from the New or Running option and create a new contract for that particular Employee

Fill all the Required Fields for the Employee and Select the Salary Structure.

Then Go to the TDS Information tab

  • This Tax % can be defined(Categorised) from Tax Slab.

  • Go to Configuration Menu --> Tax Slab

  • This Tax will be auto-selected based on thethe Taxable Amount

Click on Create button to Create a Tax Slab.

  • Fill all the Fields.

  • Gross Income is the Sum of Annual Salary and Other Income.

  • Tax Payable is the Tax % (Eg:-Here 7.5%) of the Taxable Amount


  • If Tick on the Monthly Deduction field Tax Payable will be shown on monthly basis.

  • Deduction fields can be defined/created.

  • Go to configuration Menu--> Deduction Description

  • Total Deductions will be the summation of the addition of Deduction Field Amount.

Click on Create button to create Tax Deduction fileds of user-defined

  • Total Deductions will be the sum of the Total Amount of the Deduction Description fields

  • Taxable Amount = Gross Income - Total Deductions

  • Extra Charges Amount will be added in the Tax Payable Field

To buy the module Use this link.


Search GTS on the ODOO App store to find all our modules!


Schedule a Demo and get all further details in contact with us. 

 Contact us at +91 7977196145, 8287811154.

  Also visit: https://www.geotechnosoft.com


  Skype: sauravkumar2000  

GTS Branch Management Module