Partner Approval

A business is more often than not a collaboration between the customers and the vendors. So, it is very important to choose your customers / vendors wisely.

Doing business with untrustworthy customers or vendors can incur huge losses to your business.

We can offer you to have the customers and vendors approved by the concerned managers / departments before allowing any business with them.

Most important features:

  • Filter out the partners (Customers / Vendors) by their status - Potential, Pending, Approved and  Rejected.

  • Allows to validate the partner before using them anywhere in the system.

  • Normal users can only create potential partners and request for approval.

  • When users are requested to approve the partner, email is sent to the concerned user with link to that record.

  • User can directly click on the link in email and jump to ERP. After login they get redirected to that particular partner and can approve.

  • For approved / rejected partners, emails are sent to the concerned users.

Configuration :

Go to Settings > Users and Companies > Users, and give access to ‘Approve Partners’ group.

Lets go through the process :

We can see that currently we do not have any approved customer / vendor in the database.

So, we can not select any customer / vendor in the sale / purchase orders.

Lets create an new customer and see the flow.

Clicking on ‘Request Approval’ button will send an email to the approval manager with link included in the email body.

The requested manager can approve or reject the request.

Email is sent to the owner of the contact once it is approved or rejected.

Flow is same for vendor approval.

Now, approved customers and vendors will available for selection in the sale orders, purchase orders, invoices and bills.